Deep Learning
Face Detection using OpenCV
Introduction:- In the previous OpenCV articles, we have discussed the various functions in OpenCV that…
Important Functions of OpenCV
Introduction:- In the previous article on ‘OpenCV: Beginning for the Computer Vision enthusiast’, we have…
OpenCV: Beginning for the Computer Vision enthusiast
Introduction:- In the article “OpenCV: Beginning for the Computer Vision enthusiast”, we’ll focus on What…
Introduction to GANs in Computer Vision
Introduction to GANs in Computer Vision- In the previous article we have discussed about the…
Introduction to GANs: Adversarial attacks and Defenses for Deep Learning
Introduction to GANs- The popularity of deep learning is growing, we are using the neural…
RCNN Family (Fast R-CNN ,Faster R-CNN ,Mask R-CNN ) Simplified
Introduction In this article we’ll understand each object detection algorithm under RCNN family (Region…
Convolutional Neural Networks
Introduction- Convolutional Neural networks also known as ConvNets or CNN. ConvNet is famous for image…
RCNN Simplified
Introduction First let us understand why did we need to use RCNN (Region Based Convolutional…
Face Mask Detector using RetinaNet Model
Build Face mask detector using RetinaNet model ,Gather Data using Web Scraping ,Create Dataset with labelImg tool, Model Training ,Model Testing
RetinaNet Model for object detection explanation
Lately RetinaNet model for object detection has been buzz word in Deep learning community.
Focal loss for dense object detection
What is Focal Loss ,Need of Focal Loss,Cross Entropy Loss ,Problem with Cross Entropy ,Balanced Cross Entropy, Problem with Balanced Cross Entropy
What is Back Propagation through time (BPTT) in Recurrent Neural Network
What is Back Propagation through time (BPTT) in Recurrent Neural Network, Vanishing Gradient , Exploding Gradient ,Gradient Clipping ,Long Term Dependencies
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) architecture explained in detail
Introduction:- In this article I would assume that you have a basic understanding of neural…
Region Proposal Network (RPN) architecture explained
Introduction:- If you’re reading this post then I assume that you must have heard about…