

Introduction to Natural Language Processing -Part 2

Step1. Load all necessary libraries and remove previously stored data from R-Studio rm(list = ls()) #Remove data from previous session in R-Studio #Load all libraries and dependencies load_libry<- function(x){ for(i in x){ if(! require(i,character.only = TRUE)){ install.packages(i,dependencies = TRUE) } } } pkgs <- c(“dplyr”,”tidyverse”,”tidytext”,”tm”,”SnowballC”,”reshape2″,”e1071″,”tm”,”caret”,”textstem”, “doSNOW”,”parallel”,”randomForest”,”janeaustenr”,”readxl”,”rlist”,”tokenizers”,”stopwords”, “wordcloud2″,”wordcloud”,”doParallel”,”parallel”) load_libry(pkgs) #set working directory setwd(“D:/Praveen/MachineLearning”) Step2. Load data […]

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Introduction to Natural Language Processing-Part 1

What is Natural Language Processing? Natural language refers to the way we, humans, communicate with each other namely, speech and text.We are surrounded by text.Think about how much text you see each day: Signs,Menus,Email,SMS,Web Pages,logs,chat messages ,and so much more…The list is endless. And this is where Natural Language processing comes in picture. The study

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